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This iFreeze Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard Case for iPad 2 is the world’s thinnest, and only measured at 16.5mm after the merger with iPad 2. Besides the sleek and stylish design, it also provides your beloved iPad a durable protection. Corresponding the designs and looks of our latest fashionable tablets, this wonderful acquaintance is made from high-grade aluminum. Not forgetting its built-in physical keyboard is fast and responsive while you’re typing.

You definitely can’t imagine how boring you are, when traveling without this wonderful acquaintance.

• Built-in wireless Bluetooth physical keyboard
• Thinnest, sleek and stylish design
• Its flat base allows users to use their iPad comfortably while resting on a soft or uneven surface such as a lap or on a bed
• Special function keys for music control, volume control, slideshow, home, search, etc.

iFreeze Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard Case for iPad 2, Black

iFreeze Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard Case for iPad 2, White

MSRP: SGD129.00 before tax
Our Price: SGD115.00

note: we are not responsible for item lost via normal postage. customer are recommended to opt for registered mail with tracking number. Additional singpost charge applicable for different item.
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